Layout Specs

Name: Saint Louis Lines
Scale:HO (1:87)
Railroads:Missouri Pacific Lines (MoPac)
Terminal Railroad Association (TRRA)
Also represented: Frisco, Norfolk & Western, Alton & Southern
Track:Atlas Code 83 and Code 100
TurnoutsMainline: No. 6 and 8; Spurs 7 Yards: No. 4, 5, & 6.
DispatchingCTC (using JMRI Panel Pro)
ControlTCS CS-105 Command Station; TCS & CVP wireless throttles.  PSX Circuit-Breakers.
Block DetectionNCE BD-20s & RR-Cirkits Tower LCC + Q boards.
SignalsTomar, Oregon Rail, Custom-built.   CTI Electronics Acela network. 
NCE Light It Decoders.
OtherArduino-driven relays over C/MRI Network control staging track power.
Car ForwardingJMRI Operations Software; MR SLAM for formatting manifests & switch lists.
System MapSee below.
Crew Size7
JobsDispatcher, Yardmaster, Locals, Manifests, Yard Transfers.
Max. Grade0.25%
St. Louis Terminal operations include the Sedalia & Carondelet Subs. The Sedalia Sub is an East-West RR, while the Carondelet Sub operates North-South. On the layout, the Carondelet Sub runs south from Iron Mountain Junction to Carondelet, while the Sedalia Sub runs from Kansas City on the West end, to downtown St. Louis on the East.
Kansas City and St. Louis/East St. Louis are represented by West Staging & East Staging.
Purina Mills & Wharf Street customers are served by the Terminal RR Association. All other industries and yards are Mopac-served. Foreign road yard transfers which include Norfolk & Western, Alton & Southern, & Frisco Railroads, visit the Ewing and 21st Street yards.
The schematic is not to scale and does not include all track. Modeler’s license was taken with names, location of industries, junctions, etc. The track plan is not intended to be 100% correct to the prototype.

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