Frisco St. Louis Operations

St. Louis Terminal Facilities and Operations

This is part of an April 1960 brochure prepared by the sales department of the St. Louis – San Francisco Railway Company, that documents primary and secondary yards, train handling, freight houses, team tracks, Frisco Transportation Company (trucking), and terminal switching lines. The section available here as a downloadable PDF covers the Saint Louis area.

The complete brochure included Frisco’s other centers of operation: Springfield (MO), Kansas City, Fort Worth, Dallas, Memphis, Oklahoma City, Tulsa, and Birmingham (AL). Only the St. Louis operations are included here in the downloadable file.

The Brochure’s Introduction reads like this:

When considering train movement operations, terminal handling continues to grow in importance since it is directly related as an integral part of overall performance.

Thus the need for modern terminals capable of performing their function becomes a major dimension in meeting the traffic growth expected in future years. Frisco is acutely aware of this development which has resulted in our new electronic yards and other terminal improvements.

Correlated in this brochure are terminal facilities and operations to fully acquaint you with our major terminals, how they operate and what has been done to improve operations.

The information is designed to give you an understanding of the interchange, switching, industrial and competitive aspects of each point covered.

A thorough study of this brochure will assist you in knowledgeable aspects of the many problems of your customers and permit you to discuss intelligently matters that will lead to new and expanded industry and tonnage for our line.

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